SRIZFLYはDJI Enterprise Summit 2023に参加しました

SRIZFLYはDJI Enterprise Summit 2023に参加しました

        10月末、DJI Enterpriseは「2023 DJI Enterprise Summit」という素晴らしいイベントを開催しました。すべてがDJIで行われたため、サミットは、エキサイティングな新製品と開発を提供し、貴重な洞察と業界ニュースを共有し、比類のない経験を提供し、そして最も重要なことに、長期的なパートナーシップと強い友情を築くユニークな機会を提供する完璧な組織になりました。イベントの魅力は、スペインの壮大な首都マドリードによって追加されました。

        As SRIZFLY, we are proud to take a part in such an event and present our SRIZFLY Drone Simulator. Visitors and guests have checked the basic training module, enjoyed the free flight, and tested their piloting capabilities in industrial applications. The rewarding part of the event was to see that the SRIZFLY Drone Simulator really answers to the industry demand. In addition to already existing Electric Tower Inspection module, the highest interest was given to the Fire Fighting and Search & Rescue applications. Next most demanded module was the digital mapping with autonomous mission planning training. Furthermore, actually trying the simulator, visitors were highly impressed by the accuracy of the environment and drone physics. And finally, a pleasant surprise was in weather settings, when pilots could try to fly in harsh weather conditions and express their agreement in saying: 命を救うことは晴れた日を待つことはできません!